We are soldiers in the service of our country,
Together with so many countless others,
We will never betray our solemn oath of duty,
As we stand with our band of brothers.
It is very easy to just say these words,
But it's te deeds that it's all about,
Each day and night we follow orders,
Etched in our souls, they need no shout.
All noble soldiers serve their homeland,
Branch or rank is not the magic key,
For each is a link in a chain of command,
Whose strength lies in unflinching unity.
With our homes adn loved ones left behind,
We marched off to serve a cause,
To face the perils of an unknown destiny,
With no time for reasons or for pause.
Many of us have given our very lives,
In countless wars from here to eternity,
The tireless honor guards mark their steps,
In reverence to our eternal fraternity.
Do not weep long for thoise lost in battle,
Prolonged Tears of grief we can ill-afford,
our sacrafice was for your independence,
Your honoring this gift, is our reward.
There is a place for each of the fallen,
Among the timeless heavenly stars,
We will forever shine the light of freedom,
To all those who look for it, from afar!
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